Links to help out:
Click here to volunteer ------
Capitola Volunteering ------ Capitola Recreation Department 475-5935
Donate Santa Cruz County Disaster Fund ----- in the comment section indicate which city you would like it to be attributed to.
Videos of storm / flooding damage and updates:
Capitola + Aptos + Santa Cruz: Here is a glimpse of some aftermath from the flooding on January 5th here along the coasts of Aptos, Santa Cruz, and Capitola. Hoping for lesser storms to come, so we have some time to repair. We are only beginning to see damage inflicted by the recent storms, and with more rain forecasted, it is unknown if this will be the end of the damage.
Soquel: Here is a glimpse of some aftermath from the flooding on New Years. Hoping for lesser storms to come, so we have some time to repair.